How To Configure L2tp Vpn Connection For Mac

2020. 2. 16. 14:55카테고리 없음

Click on 'System Preferences' and then click on 'Network'. Select 'VPN' in the dropdown menu 'Interface' and 'L2TP over IPSec' as VPN Type. Set the Service Name to VPN and afterwards click on 'Create'. Select a server in the members area and put the server address as 'Server Address.

  1. How To Configure L2tp Vpn Connection For Mac Download
  2. How To Configure L2tp Vpn Connection For Mac Mac
  3. How To Configure L2tp Vpn Connection For Macbook
  • Initial configurations (only once at the first time) Click the network icon on the top-right side on the Mac screen. Click 'Open Network Preferences.' Click the '+' button on the network configuration screen. Select 'VPN' as 'Interface', 'L2TP over IPsec' as.
  • Setup L2TP VPN on Mac OS X. To setup L2TP VPN on Mac,first, open the “System Preferences” by going to the Apple menu.Next, click on the “Network”. In the “Network”, there is a list of network connections on the left side. Click on “+” icon (hilighted in red) to make a new connection for the VPN.

Setting up your Mac to connect to My Private Network’s VPN should take just a few minutes using the L2TP protocol. L2TP is supported on all versions of macOS / OS X. Please note that your Mac needs to be connected to the Internet and able to browse the web before moving on with the instructions below. While we recommend using our application as the first option to connect to our service on your Mac, there might be some cases where this might not work well on your network. In this case, you can try this alternative L2TP VPN connection, which is much easier to setup compared to the other. Not yet registered?

How To Configure L2tp Vpn Connection For Mac Download

It’s quick and easy, give our a try now! L2TP Connection Configuration You will now have to enter the server address.

How To Configure L2tp Vpn Connection For Mac Mac


How To Configure L2tp Vpn Connection For Macbook

If you are connecting to our United Kingdom servers, enter, for all other countries, please refer to our FAQ below: Note: If you wish to use our Free service, the servername that you need to use is and your connection will be rotated between different countries we have in our Free VPN cluster. For the Account Name, enter your My Private Network Username that you registered with: Note: Make sure the Show VPN status is menu bar is checked.